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关于河南省fabricated建筑适用技术推广目录(First batch) of publicity

Release time: 2023-09-28Source: Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development


  (First batch) of publicity

  为贯彻落实《十大靠谱网投平台》(豫政办〔2017〕153号)、《十大靠谱网投平台》(豫建行规〔2020〕5号)和《十大靠谱网投平台》(豫建科〔2022〕251号)精神,推进fabricated建筑适用技术体系、工艺工法、part在我省建设工程中的推广应用,Enhance technological innovation capability,We will promote the development of the prefabricated construction industry,在公开征集、企业自愿申报的基础上,经形式审查、专家组评审、现场实地复审等流程,共选取28项先进适用技术入选为《十大靠谱网投平台》(详见附件)。Hereby publicized。

  1. Publicity time

  September 19, 2023至2023年9月26日。

  Second, reflect the form of the problem

  在公示期内,任何单位或个人均可通过来信、来访的形式书面向Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development反映公示对象存在的问题。以单位名义反映问题的需加盖公章,以个人名义反映问题的需署实名并提供Contact information。

  3. Contact address and contact information


  联系人:郭宇波 Contact information:0371-66069623


  September 19, 2023                





Project name

Technical system introduction

Standard, atlas, construction method

Scope of application


Structural system

fabricatedconcrete剪力墙结构Ring fastener with anchor joint连接技术

fabricatedRing fastener with anchor jointconcrete剪力墙结构由预制环形钢筋concrete内墙、预制环形钢筋concrete外墙、预制环形钢筋concrete楼梯和环形钢筋concrete叠合楼板等构件通过Ring fastener with anchor joint连接技术Formed assembly integralconcrete剪力墙结构。


Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的Civil building。


Structural system

Assemble the monolithic superimposed shear wall structure技术

Assemble the monolithic superimposed shear wall structure技术由预制concrete叶板与钢筋桁架组合而成的叠合墙板与现浇部分Joint force, and thenFormed assembly integralSuperimposed shear walls结构


Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的Civil building。


Structural system

Core prefabricated concrete shear wall structure technology

Core prefabricated concrete shear wall structure technology是大部分concrete剪力墙的墙身和少部分边缘构件由预制concrete空心剪力墙构成,部分边缘构件的纵向受力钢筋以及墙深竖向分布钢筋在空心孔中实现连接,水平方向和竖直方向均采用现浇concrete节点进行连接,The cavity of hollow shear wall is filled with core,Make the structural members form a whole。

《十大靠谱网投平台》DB13(J)/T 8415

《十大靠谱网投平台》DB11/ 1003

Be suitable forSeismic fortification intensity8度及以下地区的住宅建筑。


Structural system

EVEfabricated空心板Superimposed shear walls结构技术

EVEfabricated空心板Superimposed shear walls结构技术是部分或全部竖向抗侧力构件采用预制concrete空心墙板、墙板孔内现场后浇concrete形成的Superimposed shear walls的结构抗侧力构件

《十大靠谱网投平台》T/CECS 915

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的住宅建筑。


Structural system

Assembly of integrated steel welded mesh structure技术

Assembly of integrated steel welded mesh structure技术是由成型钢筋笼与预制墙板通过拉结件同现浇concrete形成的共同承受荷载的叠合构件。

《十大网投在线入口》T/CECS 579

《十大靠谱网投平台》T/CECS 832

《十大靠谱网投平台》T/CECS 1180

Suitable for seismic fortification intensity6~8Civilian buildings in the region。


Structural system

EMC prefabricated concrete structure technology

EMC packageCollocation concrete structure technology refers to预制空心叠合墙板内部采用金属波纹管形成带竖孔的Superimposed shear walls上下层墙板内竖向纵筋在波纹管内连接波纹管内后浇筑concrete,实现整体受力。

fabricated叠合concrete结构技术规程》T/CECS 1336

Suitable for seismic fortification intensity6~8Civilian buildings in the region。


Structural system



《十大网投在线入口》T/CECS 522

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的Civil building。


Structural system

PHF building system (no support steel frameFrame structure technology)

PHF建筑体系是一种新型的预制concrete框架柱、预制concrete框架梁和钢端头组合的Structural system,其中钢端头由钢结构段、结合段以及抗剪栓钉组成。


《十大网投在线入口》T/CECS 604

Be suitable for建筑高度18米以下The seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的低、多层Civil building。


Structural system

Prefabricated stiffness column mixed beam frame structure技术

Prefabricated stiffness column mixed beam frame structure技术主要由外包concrete的钢管concrete柱(劲性柱)、两端预埋工字形钢接头的钢筋concrete梁(混合梁)和叠合楼板通过可靠连接方式进行连接并与现场后浇concrete形成整体的装配整体式框架结构

《十大网投在线入口》JGJ/T 400

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的多层、高层Civil building。


Structural system

Fabricated steel-Mixed-step building structure技术

-Mixed-step building structure技术梁柱节点采用新型搭阶式全螺栓连接,

The floor is made of fully prefabricated monolithic floorSleeve and stud combination connection外墙和内隔墙采用全预制宽体墙板,厨卫采用整体集成厨卫And other technology integrated steel structure system。

Code for Design of Steel StructuresGB50017

《十大网投在线入口》JGJ 82

Steel Structure Engineering Construction Quality Inspection StandardGB 50205

General Code for Steel StructuresGB 55006

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的Civil building和工业建筑。


Structural system

Prefabricated steel joint mixed frame structure技术

Composite frame structure technology of fabricated steel joints是一种在预制concrete梁、预制concrete柱的连接节点采用钢连接头,现场通过连接钢连接头实现梁与柱连接、上下层柱连接的一种Structural system。

Composite frame structure technology of fabricated steel joints规程T/CECS 1354

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的Civil building。


Structural system

Technology of partially clad steel-concrete composite structure

Technology of partially clad steel-concrete composite structure是由开口截面主钢件及外轮廓范围内浇筑的concrete组成,concrete内可设纵筋、箍筋、抗剪件、连杆等钢配件而形成的一种新型钢-concrete组合结构,包括PEC钢混组合柱、PEC钢混组合梁和PEC钢混组合剪力墙。

Technology of partially clad steel-concrete composite structure规程》T/CECS 719

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的Civil building。


Structural system

Prefabricated solid mold shear wall and floor bearing plate structure技术


固模剪力墙结构技术规程》T/CECS 283

《十大网投在线入口》DB13(J)/T 8398

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的Civil building。


Structural system

Steel - concrete composite pipe shear wall structure technology

Steel - concrete composite pipe shear wall structure technology是由钢组合管和管外concrete组成的预制构件与现场浇筑的管内concrete共同形成的抗侧力结构构件。

钢-concrete组合管结构技术规程》T/CECS 1059

Be suitable forSeismic fortification intensity8度及以下地区新建和扩建的工业与Civil building。


Structural system


螺栓连接多层全fabricatedconcrete墙板结构技术Be prefabricatedconcrete墙板作为竖向承重及抗侧力构件,预制楼板作为楼盖,预制构件之间通过预埋套筒、连接盒连接Anchor plate, boltMulti-layer wall panel structure system formed by connection。

《十大靠谱网投平台》T/CECS 809

Suitable for seismic fortification intensity6度至8度抗震设计的多层Civil building。


Structural system

High-rise prefabricated steel frame eccentric support structure技术

High-rise prefabricated steel frame eccentric support structure技术是采用支撑框架构件的杆件工作线不交汇于一点、支撑连接点的偏心距大于连接点处最小构件的宽度且通过消能梁段耗能的钢框架-Eccentric support structure technology。


Code for Design of Steel Structure GB50017


Steel Structure Engineering Construction Quality Inspection StandardGB 50205

Be suitable for建筑高度为80~100米、Seismic fortification intensity8度及以下地区的Civil building。


Structural system

Prefabricated hollow column steel structure house技术

Prefabricated hollow column steel structure house技术是主体结构由空腹排柱、H型钢梁、钢支撑或钢板剪力墙组成主要受力框架,楼屋面板采用模板可重复利用的Fabricated steel筋桁架楼承板,The interior partition wall is made of light composite strip,外墙采用轻质条板与fabricated保温装饰板组合板的集成技术。

《十大网投在线入口》JGJ 138

《十大靠谱网投平台》GB 50017

Steel Structure Engineering Construction Quality Inspection StandardGB 50205

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below的住宅建筑。


Structural system

Laminated assembly supporting steel frame building technology

Laminated assembly supporting steel frame building technology支撑作为主要抗侧力构件,梁贯通、柱分层、梁柱采用全螺栓连接,Structural system分层装配建造的钢Structural system。

《十大网投在线入口》T/CECS 598

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的6层及6层以下的Civil building。


Structural system

集束G型钢低多层Fabricated steel结构建筑技术

集束G型钢低层Fabricated steel结构建筑技术是梁、柱及剪力墙构件由多个加厚的复杂卷边型钢(集束G型钢)组成组合截面,并与标准钢结构节点构成低层钢结构建筑的主要抗侧力结构构件,The floor adopts steel truss floor bearing plate,外围护采用fabricated轻质墙板;内装修采用fabricated装修等集成技术。



《十大靠谱网投平台》T/CECS 10146

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的三层及三层以下低层Civil building。


Structural system



《十大靠谱网投平台》GB 50017

《十大网投在线入口》 CECS 159

《十大网投在线入口》JGJ 99

《十大靠谱网投平台》GB 50936

《十大靠谱网投平台》 GB50205

Suitable for seismic fortification intensity8度及8Civil buildings in areas below the degree


Structural system

Prefabricated concrete structure underground garage technology

Prefabricated concrete structure underground garage technologyBe prefabricatedconcrete构件通过可靠的连接方式装配成整体的平时地下或半地下车库。

《十大网投在线入口》DB37/T 5199

用于The seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区独立建造的地下平时车库。


Structural system

Integrated prefabricated multi-storey house技术

Integrated prefabricated multistory housing technology is在工厂将保温层两侧同时浇筑concrete结构层、防护层wainscot及楼板形成基本模块,并在现场将基本模块组装The resulting structural technology

《十大靠谱网投平台》T/CECS 1256

《十大网投在线入口》T/YCST 009

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的层数不超过6层且高度不超过24米的多层Civil building。



Fabricated steel structure integrated floor

fabricatedSteel structure integrated floor refers to在工厂生产、现场整体吊装的集成给排水、电气、暖通、消防等管线和设备的钢结构桁架与钢筋concrete楼板、建筑面层、防火顶棚组合形成的建筑部品


Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区的工业与Civil building。



Steel pipe truss prestressed concrete laminated slab

Steel pipe truss prestressed concrete laminated slab是由灌浆钢管桁架与预应力concrete底板组合形成的预制底板与现场后浇concrete叠合层形成的楼板。

《十大靠谱网投平台》T/CECS 722

The seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区,环境类别为一类和二a类的民用与工业建筑。



Edge laminated floor slab

Edge laminated floor slab是将楼板构件大部分concrete在工厂浇筑完成,仅在楼板四周预留局部叠合层,楼板构件落位之后放入附加钢筋然后局部叠合连成整体。

Code for Design of Concrete StructuresGB 50010

《十大网投在线入口》GB 50204

Be suitable forSeismic fortification intensity不高于8度的一般工业与Civil building。


Enclosure system

Steel sheet mesh composite insulation concrete wall panel technology

Steel sheet mesh composite insulation concrete wall panel是用钢板网构作为支撑,连接concrete、镀铝锌镁饰面板的构件,通过特殊生产工艺在工厂内工业化生产,中间空腔内用保温材料填充饱满,复合而成的具有保温装饰一体化wainscot

《十大靠谱网投平台》T/CREA 004

Be suitable forSeismic fortification intensity8度及8Civilian use in areas below the degree建筑The enclosure system


Decoration system

Prefabricated interior integrated kitchen and bathroom

Prefabricated integral bathroom is由防水底盘、顶板、壁板及支撑龙骨构成,并与各种洁具及功能配件组合形成的卫生间模块。fabricated整体厨房是由架空地板+复合墙板+集成吊顶组成,通过可靠的连接件形成的厨房模Block kitchen

《十大靠谱网投平台》JGJ/T 467

《十大网投在线入口》JGJ/T 477

Suitable for industryCivil building's kitchen and bath


Decoration system

Light stone light steel integrated external wall panel

Prefabricated light crystal light steel integrated external hanging wall panel以冷弯薄壁型钢和轻晶石为主要材料,通过开槽灌浆轻晶石、冷弯薄壁型钢、钢筋网等材料集成在工厂制作成满足建筑设计性能功能要求的集成墙体幕墙

"Tailings Microcrystalline Foam Sheet and Block"JGT 506

Unified Technical Specification for the Application of Wall MaterialsGB 50574

Building Curtain WallGB/T 21086

Technical Specification for Metal and Stone Curtain Wall EngineeringJGJ 133

Be suitable forThe seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees and below地区工业与Civil building的幕墙系统。


About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society是由全省土木建筑领域科技工作者及有关单位自愿结成的、经省民政厅批准、登记成立的全省性、公益性、专业性和非营利性的科技类学术性社会团体,拥有独立法人资格;主管单位为Henan Provincial Science and Technology Association,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,业务上接受Chinese Society of Civil Engineering、Architectural society of China、Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development的指导。

Contact information

    • Contact: Zhang Miaozi

    • 联系电话:0371-63934798

    • QQ:2078961585

    • Email:

    • Address: No.96, Huanghe Road, Zhengzhou City

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